How To Fit Queen Anne Legs To Your Furniture.

April 25, 2022

Furniture legs break more frequently than we’d like. Whether you have a snapped leg or a wonky uneven leg, replacing it with wooden legs is a simple and easy process if you follow our step by step guide.

You will need:

All queen anne legs are made in 3 parts: 2 wings which are two separate pieces of wood and a main piece of wood that goes through the middle. The wings rely on glued joints to be held together.

  1. As you fit the leg into your desired position, make sure the edge of the wings slips just over the edge of the frame, enough so that the finished fabric will sit into it easily. 
  2. Then take a pencil and make an outline of where the leg is, to mark the position. You should also mark where you would like your screws to go. This will make it clearer later on. It is ideal to use 3 screws per leg, as only one would cause the leg to twist. One long screw for the middle, down into the centrepiece, and two shorter screws on the side to hold the wings.
  3. Next, drill holes into the wood where you would like the screws (and remember to wear safety goggles). Make sure the holes are drilled just wide enough to easily drop the screws through without resistance. This will make it easier to screw them into the leg without pushing the wood further away. Then place the screws into the holes ready to be fitted.
  4. When fixing the queen anne leg to the frame, it’s ideal to use some PVA glue to keep it sturdy and in place. Screw the leg into place using either a manual or electric screwdriver. 


 In the instance that you cannot access the top of the frame, you can screw the leg in from the bottom, diagonally, through the middle and countersink the screw to ensure more depth and security. 

If you want to get started on your upholstery project now but feel you need more information, contact the team at JA Milton on 01691 624023 now.