
Rush seating is often much more comfortable than wooden seats, which is why so many people are taking up rush weaving.
Our natural pre-twisted strands of rush start off as a green/grey/beige colour and then mellows to gold with time, so any rush seating you create will compliment every room.
Rush caning is not always the easiest material to work with, which is why we offer beginner kits, as well as books and DVDs. All our kits come with all the rush weaving supplies you could need, including:

Corn paper fibre rush,
Buttermilk cream,
A laminated instruction sheet.

Get started on your new, comfortable rush chair!
What could make this chair more comfortable? How about adding a cushion? We have a great range of fabrics and filling materials to choose from, so that you can make your very own cushion. Begin your new project today.