Common questions about Fiddes Products (Wood finishing)

February 12, 2020

Everyday we get asked questions from customers asking for help and advice. If you have anything you would like to add or comment on please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are re – finishing some kitchen units that we made about 10 years ago, from old Victorian pine. The pine was waxed with either one of Fiddes or another brand of antique pine waxes. Water splashes have marked the surface as we believe at the time there wasn’t a suitable protective coating available or another product that would do the job in one go. Which products would you suggest for this application please? Regards Steve

Dear Steve,
Assuming that the polish was originally applied to bare wood you should be able to remove it again with Fiddes Furniture Reviver. This will remove the old polish so that you can re-apply.

The reviver should have the affect of evening the colour and filling in the gaps of water stain then you re-polish. However, if before you apply more polish you can still see the water stains, you may have to touch in some colour, try the water based antique colour stain.

The problem with putting wax polish on to bare wood is that the polish is eventually absorbed into the wood and so needs re-applying regularly. You might consider sealing the wood after the reviver with a natural shellac sealer and then apply the polish. This will give a much more resilient surface, but will still look very natural.