Making Sure You Have The Right Upholstery Tools for Every Project There is a tool to suit every task when it comes to upholstery, whether you need something manual or electric there is a great range of options available. So, if…
How to Decorate Furniture With Decorative Nails Finishing off your latest upholstery piece but looking for something to give it that wow factor? Why not try using decorative upholstery nails, they’re great for turning any piece of…
How to Apply Gimp Braid Every piece of upholstered furniture needs something special to finish and there is nothing more suited for the job than braid and gimp. Upholstery gimp and braid is a narrow…
What is the Best Cushion Filling? If you’re looking to brush up on your upholstery skills, cushions are a great project to get started with when learning to upholster, or if you want to practice your…
The Importance Of Fire Resistant Interliner Interlining is fabric that is sandwiched between the top fabric and the lining, creating a barrier between the two. The most common use for interlining is in curtains and drapes,…
What Are The Different Upholstery Chair Spring Types? There are many different types of upholstery for seating, from the comfy settee in the lounge to the rigid-backed dining chairs, but every single one of these seats will have…
The Uses Of Scrim Foam Scrim foam is a fabric backed foam that is normally used in vehicle trimming when making car seats, car headlines and carpets. It makes the finish look more professional and is used to soften hard surfaces. Scrim foam is suitable to be used as backing for a top fabric, leather or vinyl to create a […]
How To Upholster Buttons Looking to spruce up your home before Christmas hits, but not sure where to start? There are many items of furniture that can be reupholstered, from bed headboards to small footstools, but did you know that you can also make your own custom upholstered buttons? Why not start small before you make any major changes […]